Thursday, June 21, 2007

Ideas a la carte

I'm in forced bedrest mode, suffering from a horrendous case of strep throat, which is common among children. I work with children, or little carrier monkeys as we affectionately call them. As such, they're perfectly healthy and I'm stuck at home. I like relaxing and taking time off work. But I prefer doing that on vacation when I'm not battling a fever of 102 and coughing my lungs up. But I guess I'll take what I can get. :)

In the meantime, a random assortment of ideas streaming through my heavily medicated mind:

~I just watched Pirates of the Caribbean (the first one) and found myself criticizing certain unlikely aspects of the movie, such as Ms. Swan letting herself down the side of a ship conveniently into a dinghy. And then I thought, "You're criticizing that detail in a movie about pirates searching for the blood of a traitor to undo a curse that makes them virtually undead beings?"

~I live in an all black neighborhood. I love the street I live on and the neighbors are really sweet. But as I was sick as a dog the other day and since I live alone, I had to drag myself to the store for soup and such. I had the most horrifically unfriendly demeanor because I wanted to die. And I felt so bad that I was the only white girl in the store looking like I'd eat someone if they talked to me.

~Research proposals...what's that all about?

~Interviews are a funny process. I endured a three hour interview recently and thought I did quite well. The balance between being too confident and over eager and too modest is very difficult. I thought I managed it well, but we'll see. I'll keep you posted because if that works out, I'd have one of the most kickin positions ever. And by "you" I mean my mom and Dave. :)

K. That's all my worn out, drugged little brain can manage. At least for now.

1 comment:

Dave said...

OMG, I totally got a shout-out in your blog!

And thanks for entertaining me with your squeaky, creaky sighs and singing.

I am forever in your debt.

And by "forever in your debt" I mean "one nonfat two-pump vanilla latte."

I think I just wrote that I'm a latte.