Monday, June 4, 2007

Apprehension Anonymous

It is with tremendous hesitation that I am picking up my proverbial blog pen to begin writing again, in this format. Being an "all or nothing" type, blogging can quickly become too invasive a presence in my life, which is exactly why I suspended the activity when I began my master's program. See...all, or nothing. Can't devote too much time to blogging? Ditch it. :)

Who knows...I may even delete this post and pretend nothing ever happened.

A little about me. Or, more than the "About Me" section of this page, as it really reveals nothing, which is sort of the point of having a nom de plume. Of course, my picture's there. I'm full of contradictions. There's one thing about me.

Another thing about me: I love that I just used so many contractions in the last few paragraphs. I was forced to abandon such grammatical shortcuts when I began "scientific writing," which is also known as extreme torture.

I love to write, though that love may not be entirely apparent in my quick posts. But I love the English language and admire and respect those who use it well. I'm a grammar nerd, but don't hold me to too high a standard on this thing. I'm sure I will be guilty of drive-by writing.

That's enough for now.

To the three people who will read this...don't be surprised if this post is gone in the morning. ;-)


Dave said...

Don't erase this.

You can't rewrite history.

Muzzy said...

Blog on, milady!

John Stansbury said...

Still not deleted.

Still not deleted.

Still not deleted.